Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A farewell assembly for Mrs Stedman, Mr Hunter, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Carter and our Year 8 students

We had a very special assembly today to farewell both staff and students. We listened to a stirring haka as the Year 8 students entered. This was followed by speeches, items from the choir and kapa  haka group and the presentation of the awards. It was a memorable occasion.

Congratulations Laura

We were very proud to hear that Laura had been awarded the Middle Syndicate Challenge Cup. We really do shine in Room 9. Well done Laura!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Oh what a picnic!

The morning started off cold but that didn't stop us having a wonderful time. We started with relay games, followed by the water slide, the swimming pool, the bouncy castle, a game of colours plus a barbecue lunch. Thank you Mr Marshall for a great day!

Friday, December 11, 2015

More Christmas presents

Today we needed PVA glue and different types of pasta to decorate our cardboard frames. It was a very, very messy job but we persevered and succeeded. Mmm... I wonder if you can guess what we are making for you!

Today we made our Christmas tree

It's amazing how hands can become a Christmas tree. Today we made a huge collection of green hand shapes and assembled them into a Christmas tree. We then added Christmas lights, tinsel and a bright star on the top. When the lights were turned on we burst spontaneously into singing Christmas songs.

Making Christmas presents

We had our first Christmas present making session with Mrs Simpson.We started  by doing some tricky sewing. We then threaded beads to decorate our pot. They are not finished yet!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Another vinegar and baking soda experiment

A quick and easy experiment today. We combined vinegar and baking soda and then quickly placed a balloon over the top of the bottle. As the carbon dioxide was created, it expanded into the balloon and the balloon inflated. Cause and effect!

Ten cent book sale in the Allen Centre

Everyone went home with bags bulging with books today because the Allen Centre had it's annual ten  cent book sale. There was a huge selection to choose from and everything was only ten cents! What a great idea.

Long rope skipping

Yesterday we got a long skipping rope and started doing skipping. We did a challenge to see  who was the last person doing skipping. It looked  very hard for some people but they did very well.We had heaps of people and they were amazing. Well done you guys. I'm very proud of you.

Reporter: Liam Br

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Oh no!

On Sunday I crashed  my motor bike at my grandma and granddad's farm. I drove into a hole and fractured my arm. It was very sore at first but the pain went down. Now I have a cast on my arm.

Reporter: Archie

Monday, December 7, 2015

A second try at exploding corks

The first time we tried this experiment some of the corks had cracks in them so the carbon dioxide escaped and there was no explosion. We decided to do the experiment again.Wearing safety glasses children pushed the corks into the bottles and the explosions were very pleasing!