Today I brought my 9 teeth to school. I got them taken out on last Friday .When I woke up in the dentist there was blood coming all out. My mouth was sore for 3 days. At home I had to have panadole. It was orange. At home I could not eat. I could only drink water. It hurt to drink cold water.I had two adult teeth taken out and the rest were baby teeth.
Reporter: Jayden
Wow Jayden that is a lot of teeth out.Did you know that Jacob got one tooth out.Did you cry?
Keziah, I did cry because it really hurt. Did Jacob cry when he had his tooth out?
Jayden, Jacob did cry because it hurt and he didn't want it to be done!
Poor you Jayden! I hope your mouth gets better.
Jayden that is sooy.i
did that hert
Wow Jayden that must of hurt.I hope it didn't.
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