Showing posts with label hockey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hockey. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2015

Term 3 begins!

What a fabulous start to Term 3!  I had such a lovely warm welcome from Room 9, and I really look forward to working with them for the next 8 weeks while Mrs Wright is in Spain.
Mrs Paterson

Today we finished assembly and then we promptly started Hockey training with Steph.  We will be having hockey training for the next 4 weeks on a Monday at 10am.  We were experts and there are some very talented hockey players in Room 9.
We learned how to be safe with a hockey stick, how to dribble the ball, indian dribble and how to bounce the ball on the end of the hockey stick.  Liam Br was the champion at this!!

Look at our wonderful hockey players below:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kimberly the hockey champion

Kimberly was hard at work after school with the hockey squad. She is wearing her mouth guard and is watching the ball. Go Kimberly!