Monday, May 7, 2012

A busy rotation of activities in Room 9

We hunted through theme books looking for the best fact we could find about rain. What a lot of information we found. Syardhana is sticking her fact on the whiteboard.

Belinda helped us with our weather maps. We had learnt to do this at Discovery World and now we had a chance to do one on our own. We presented these to each other.

We made some very interesting discoveries about air. Air fills spaces and underwater it kept a tissue dry. We also found that we could pour air from one container into another that had water in it. The water in the second container was pushed out by the air. We were very surprised.


Fynn said...

the water experiment was amasing was the
tissue wet i wander? i dont think so!

meg said...

I really enjoyed doing the Experiment that you need to put a tissue in the cup. Now dunk the cup in the water
and the tissue will still be dry.

Ted said...

I loved doing the experiments.

tyla giles said...

what was that air experment for Mrs Wright.

Mrs Wright said...

Dear Tyla
Air is a very important part of weather so we are looking at some of the things that air can do. Thank you for your question.