Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Room 9 Bird Cafe is a busy place for the wax eyes!

It was thrilling to see clouds of wax eyes descending upon our class bird table. They loved our delicious bird food. Hopefully they will now feel a little more cheerful on these freezing mornings. Who can tell us where the wax eyes go to keep warm at night?


Rylan said...

The birds must like the room 9 bird cafe.

Hamish said...

Wax eyes sleep in nests that have a roof so they can keep warm.

Mrs Wright said...

Gosh that's interesting Hamish. Thanks for that.

Mary said...

Nests are always cosy and warm for birds, especially in winter!!! But I will google that one at home about where the wax eyes go to keep warm in winter and at night. I think the wax eyes like our bird cafe the best.