Our plant has grown so much. Room 9 has been watching the plant for quite a long time now. We got an information sheet and we wrote the things that we noticed had changed on the plant.
It started with a tiny closed up bud. Then out came the leaves and now there is a flower. You can see the tree that the buds came from. It is called a chestnut tree.
We finished the day with a game of line tag with our Big Buddies. It was very fast and fun. Look at those Little Buddies zooming along the lines. Go Room 9 go!
We each chose an All Black to research and then published our information. We worked very hard because we wanted to share them with our Big Buddies at the end of the day. Why not come into Room 9 and find out some interesting facts about our national heroes. Did you know that Richie McCaw liked watching "Batman" when he was a child and Daniel Carter's favourite toy was a Tonka truck?
Today we used think boards to show our understanding of addition equations. It was a real challenge to see how many strategies we could use. What strategies did you use Henry, Josh and Jayden.
This morning we all enjoyed the "You've got the power show." We laughed, we gasped, we watched with disbelief as El Grego kept us entertained with a constant stream of amazing theatre stunts. Every second of the performance reminded us to treat others as we would wish them to treat us.
Georgia has got 100 correct three times in her Stage 5 basic facts. This means she can now try a Stage 6 basic facts test. What a very clever Year 2 girl. Please tell us how you do it.
At lunchtime there was a soccer game. Waihola and Mahinerangi were in a team and Wanaka and Manapouri , Wakatipu. We had a fantastic game and it was very fun. Finn was the referee. Finn and Zeke played our best. Me and Liam were the best in our team . Finn got both of our goals. Our team had more players than the other team. Most of our team were Year 4s. All of our team were the best in the game. We won by 2 points.
Today I bought a New Zealand book to share it with the class but me and dad found it in a car at his work. I bought a poster and some Hairy Maclary books to share with the children. Kiwiana is interesting.
Today my picture was in the hall from sketching at the Art Exhibition. It was water painting. It is a funny looking tulip. I put two pictures in the hall. This is my best picture in the hall. Reporter: Keziah
Oh look at these beautiful freesias that Kylie brought along to school. They smell incredible. Emma arrived today with a great All Blacks outfit on while Josh T brought along a Rugby World Cup quiz he had prepared for the class. Then in walked Josh W with this little rugby ball cupcake. It is always interesting in Room 9 when we arrive in the morning!
We had our first session with the te rakau sticks. We listened carefully to the starting command and it sounded like one set of sticks when we started. Next time we will add the music and keep in time with the rhythm.
We all took part in a colouring competition and then voted for the winners. It was very close but here are the winners - Kylie, Josh T and Lachlan. What a great effort!
As part of our Kiwiana unit we watched some Hairy Maclary stories. Lynley Dodd is a New Zealand author who is known around the world. Tell us why you enjoy her stories.
Our letters to our Anderson's Bay School pen pals are finally finished. We loved getting our second letter and we read them carefully so that we could answer all their questions. We were very impressed with the art work on their letters so we made a huge effort to decorate our letters too.
We just keep on getting better and better at our gymnastics. Today we had Jolene and Melanie to help us with our rotation. We were able to use the beam and the mini tramp. What fun we had!
Last thing on a Wednesday afternoon, the Guitar Club love to share their new learning. Today we learnt how to finger pick. Look at Charlotte carefully picking the correct strings - 5132, 5132, 5132. When they have played the pick 100 times it will be perfect!
Today the Lions were the stars at the Room 9 Little Theatre. They presented "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" brilliantly and asked superb questions afterwards. Thank you boys, we really enjoyed your performance.