Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What a clever scientist!

Bridgette has been working at a number of challenges for her science badge. One of her challenges was to present a poster to an audience. Today Bridgette explained how the water cycle works to Mr Marshall and Room 9. We were all very proud of her wonderful presentation. Well done Bridgette!


Anonymous said...

Super proud parents!Your dedication and hard work on this project has been amazing Bridgy. You are a real star.

Mary said...

Wow Bridgette!
You have done an outstanding job I bet that the year 7 and 8's couldn't do as well as you could well done!!

Nanna and Grandad said...

Well done Bridgette, good to be able to see your progress this way, keep it up.

Nana and Grandad said...

Well done Bridgette, keep it up. It is good to see your progress this way.