We are thinking a lot about perseverance and dedication. This week we all chose a goal to work towards. Here we are showing you our Challenge Books where we will keep a record of our progress. There are maths goals, printing goals, writing goals, holding a pencil correctly goals, and oral language goals. We feel like the Olympic athletes training for a big event. It will be hard work but Room 9 will shine all the time!
Hope you all achieve your goals!! Remember it takes lots of hard work and effort but with a teacher like Mrs Wright I am sure you will all shine all the time!!!!!!!
The first important step to achieving your goal is writing it down. The next step is to believe you can do it. It may take a bit of dedication and perseverance to achieve your goal but it will all be worth it! Tip - as soon as you reach your goal it is important to set a new one. This will always keep you striving to do your very best. GO FOR IT!
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