Monday, August 31, 2009

Signs of Spring

When we got to school today we saw that something magical had happened. The bud had changed completely! Now we can see four leaves. But what is that something in the middle?

Web Master - Shakera
Photographer - Elizabeth
Reporter - Lilly


Mrs Evans said...

Elizabeth, I like the way you have made sure all the light is on the plant in your photo. Thanks, Lilly for the report.
Shakera, what does the 'WEBMASTER' have to do?

The appearance of those delicate leaves must have been a surprise on Monday morning.

I hope someone is going to take another photo soon, so viewers know what the "something in the middle" turns out to be. Will it stay like that? or will it burst forth into a larger flower?

Laurie said...

Nice picture Elizabeth. I am looking forward to another photo.

oscar said...

what happened to the flower it happened it was so quick

Caitlin said...

I wonder what it is going to happen now???

Isla said...

To room 9 I just want to say to the magnificent painting girl's that was a colourful Isla