Pirate the cat has been writing to us again. Do you know that we are the only class in the whole wide world that has a cat that sends comments to our blog? I think he lives near Connor and Laurie. Think of a question you have always wanted to ask a cat. My question Pirate is why do cats hate water?
Interestingly, not all cats DO hate water. Some of my larger cousins in warmer climates are fond of a cooling dip in the water. We Dunedin cats, however, find that getting our lovely insulating fur wet makes us far too cold.
I had to spend two hours in a snuggly bed to warm up the last time I fell in the toilet trying to have a drink. (Sorry about that MacKenzies.)
I wonder how you type pirate the cat.
WOW I diden't Know cats can play computer!!!!!!
What are you doing Pirate.
Why did you go to the Mackenzies Pirate.How weard.
How do I type, Finn? With flair and wit!
(I use my claws. I'm also very good with a mouse. Tee hee.)
Dear Jade
I'm not playing. I take my role as feline-advisor to Room 9 very seriously.
Dear Laurie
I have to find some way to entertain myself while you're at school. I can't just lie around licking myself and sleeping all day - I'm not Sugarplum or Ginger!
Dear Emily
For some strange reason, my humans won't let me get into their beds when I've fallen in the toilet. I hope the MacKenzies don't put me on that 'Neighbours From Hell' TV programme!
How can you tipe Pirate.
Dear Pirate .Did you know I can ride my bike without training wheels. Were the Mackenzies mad when you fell down their toilet ?
Dear Pirate
I wonder why you are doing a mixing expriment on cat food and water.
Pirate the cat why did you jump in the tolit .
My cat stitch had a very nice friend called Frecill . Sometimes they fit .Frecill died.
I wonder how you get the right letter Pirate
Hi room 9 it is Gemma the cat I am made a cake for my mum but it has a bad smell's
pirate I never knew you could type
pirate your great
your cute
your very funny
you like my cat sage
I didn't fall in the MacKenzies' toilet - that would be rude! I only fall into my own toilet. Sometimes my bowl of water gets a little sludgy (when I do mixing experiments - cats are naturally curious, just like Room 9, so we experiment all the time), and then I go looking for nice, fresh water in the toilet. Sometimes the toilet seat is a little tricky to balance on. Sometimes I slip.
Perhaps I need training wheels, Alex P?
I spend a lot of time at school, peeping into classrooms, so I've picked up a bit of reading and writing, and typing is really very easy for a clever cat like me.
Sorry to hear about Freckle, Mackenzie. I hope you're giving Stitch plenty of extra pats. We cats love a bit of attention. (Except from Josie. She is pretending that I am her baby sister, and keeps trying to change my nappy, sit me on her knee, and put me to bed. I find it most undignified.)
You are cool.
Ar your frens blind pirate the cat.
I wonder why cats eat mice pirate
Why do you tipe back to us.
I found a cloer Pirate.
pirate what do you need your claws for and what is your fur for
Do cats really have 9 lives?
Room 9 , St Mary's Catholic school, Rotorua
why did you go to the Mackenzies Pirate?
pirate what were you doing a the mackenzies ?
Pirate, why where you at the MacKenzies in the first place??? You should know by now NOT TO FALL IN TOILETS...
uHi Pirate I think Stitch woud like to see you some day. Stitch has had a operrasion.
Dear Room 9 from Rotorua
Thank you for writing on our blog. We don't really think cats have 9 lives but we will wait and see what Pirate the cat says.
Love from Room 9 who always shine
Pirate me old mate:
1 - Do cats expect to be reconciled with all those cat chasing dogs in heaven or would reconciliation compromise the idea of a dog heaven for dogs??
3 - Do you think humans act totally instinctively or do they have some small level of intelligence and free will??
pirate the cat where do you sleep at night?
how intresting
Pirate you are clever I wonder if your playing a joke because Laurie told me Pirate
Cats can't type because they don't know there A B C.
dear pirate the cat
do you play any games on the room 9 who shine all the time blog.
So sorry to have neglected you all. I did post a comment answering some of your questions, but it seems to have gone astray. Perhaps my claw slipped...
Dear Room 9 from Rotorua
How lovely to have visitors from the Giant Egg Sandwich of the North Island (no offence, but we cats are very sensitive to smell). No, cats don't really have nine lives. It's just that humans are huge, heavy, fragile, and not very clever at landing on their feet, so when they see cats - who are small, light and very agile - surviving falls from great heights, they tend to make up some strange reasons. Not all humans are experimenters and scientists like my friends in Rooms 9!
Don't worry about the claw, Laurie. Cats shed the outer layers of their claws from time to time, but my actual claws are all still where they should be. Just as well, because I have to use them all the time, not only for typing, but for climbing, running, catching mice (which are delicious, by the way, Ashleigh) and birds, itching, wrestling with my friend Ginger, and fending off the affections of young Josie.
My fur, Finn, is mostly to keep me warm but, as you have probably noticed, also makes me very handsome. Also, it encourages humans to stroke me, which I LOVE.
Dear Mr Smith
1. I, personally, am agnostic. Cats generally, however, believe that there is no place for lowly creatures like dogs in cat heaven. It is unlikely that dogs have any opinion on the matter, as dog thought is limited to the "Walkies! Good! Woof!" level.
2. Humans are intelligent enough to make excellent pets, and our experiments suggest that some of them are even able to recognise simple commands. Their opposable thumbs make them very useful for basic tasks such as opening cat food tins and other packaging. They are easily trained, and fairly obedient. Of course, there are exceptions. Little Sister Josie is proving curiously resistant to my training techniques, and none of my family have yet been taught to toilet outside, rather than contaminating my drinking water...
Dear Ashleigh
At nights I like to sleep with Laurie (my summer-weight human) or Hamish (who is slightly warmer, for those cooler evenings). Unfortunately, Ginger gets peckish during the night and starts trying to nibble the humans, so at the moment I am locked out of the boys' room.
Dear Finn
I don't really play jokes. I like the occasional pun, but most of the time I am a very serious cat.
I not only know my ABC, I can use apostrophes correctly.
Dear Shakera
I occasionally play World of Clawcraft online, but prefer to read in my spare time.
Pirate how come you no your A B C and my cat doesn't no her A B C.
dear pirate the cat
i bet my cat mushy would just love to meet you can you mee t me in the sand pit at play time and lunch time oh and can you talk
How do you turn the computer on Pirate?
Is your cat a pedigree, Finn? Sometimes they're not quite so clever... And of course, I have the advantage of living right beside the school. Many cats don't get the chance to go to school.
I turn the computer on by pressing the power button. Why? How do you do it?
Sorry Shakera, I've been banned from the sandpit. Apparently humans think it's fine for them to do their business in my big white water bowl, but not okay for me to do mine in all that lovely sand. Honestly!
Mushy sounds lovely. We must meet for a latte one of these days.
Of course I can talk. The question is, can you understand what I say?
goodwork pirite
Pirate why do you type to us?
You are funny.
Thanks guys. I type to you because you are such a lovely, clever class, and I enjoy our little chats. It's very nice to see you at school too, but we have more trouble understanding one another there. (I like the pats though!)
Dear Pirate the cat
We have just been reading all your comments again. You make us laugh and laugh and laugh. We wish we could understand cat talk. Sorry we haven't learnt it yet. "Perhaps you could teach us," said Lilly. Shakera is wondering if you like black and white cats or do you prefer ginger cats? We think you are a great friend for Room 9.
Love from your Room 9 friends
dear pirate the cat
What athor games do you play on the blog
dear pirate the cat
would you like to come to my house
Dear Room 9
Thank you for your kind comments. Gosh, I'm going to miss you all over the holidays.
I don't really mind what colour cats are, I'm much more interested in how they smell. My friend Ginger can't always be bothered washing himself properly (he's quite a lazy chap), but we've been friends since we were kittens, so he smells lovely to me.
Because we cats do a lot of communicating through smell, I can't really teach you to 'speak' cat, because human noses don't work nearly as well as ours. I'm sure you can work out the easy messages though - purring for happiness, growling to tell someone to back off, and that special high-pitched meow we use to tell our people we have brought them home a delicious feathery or furry treat to share. (They are really very ungrateful, and keep throwing my gifts away. Sometimes I really don't understand humans.)
Shakera, I quite enjoy playing 'smellingcity'.
Dear Pirate
Why are you trying to make a flying thing.
do you eat chickin?aaaaaaaaaah chickin.
dear pirate the cat
its spellingcity not smellingcity
yesterday I saw some of your poop in the sand pit!
Hi there, I'm Shakera's friend, Jo. I am really fantastic and helped weed Shakera's garden. My horse is really beautiful and he knows it. His name is Yarraman and he lives at Shakera's home. Shakera really wants to have a ride on him some day.
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