Friday, December 4, 2009

A new photo of Pirate the Cat

We love getting messages from Pirate the cat and now we have a new photo of him. What a handsome cat he is. Have you still got questions or comments for Pirate? We think you are the best Pirate.


mika said...

I wonder why older cats say lunch to a bird then walk away like my cat Sockcy?

brianna said...

We love getting comments from Pirate the cat.I wonder if you mind the rain when you get forced to go outside?

Jade said...

Dear Pirate the cat
I wonder why you are such a entalegent cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also wonder who you learnt to play the computer with?
Athorwise do you to peoples houses and watch them play the computer and learn their entalegent things!!!!!!!!!!!

mika said...

I wonder why you do not like Josie when she is just playing.I wonder why you have soft fur.

oscar said...

Piate why do cats eat berds beacos my cat eats berds in the lonjre.

Polly said...

Your comments are nice Pirate. Some peopel pat you that is room 9.

pirate the cat said...

I like room 9

Finn said...

Well,well,well you are amazing cat. I wonder how old you are?

Pirate the Cat said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, Room 9. (And for the pats, Polly!)

Yes, Brianna, I do mind the rain, and I do my very best to avoid going out in it. Still, there are - ahem - certain times when a cat simply MUST get out into the garden (or sandpit). I try to keep things brief, and rush back inside to dry off as quickly as possible. (By the way Laurie, could you mention to your mummy that her duvet cover really does need a wash?)

Dear Mika, Oscar and Finn
As we cats get older, chasing birds becomes a little harder for us. Also, my wise friend Sugarplum tells me that older cats are smart enough to know that they will be fed perfectly delicious food without having to catch it. We young frisky cats, however, cannot resist chasing birds and mice! I will be one human year old on January 14th. Perhaps I will become a little wiser next year? Sugarplum finds me and Ginger a tad exasperating at times.

I really DO like Josie, Mika. It's just that, at the moment, for some reason I simply cannot fathom, Josie is obsessed with the idea of having a baby brother or sister, and she wants ME to pretend to be that little sibling. Cats don't really enjoy sitting on their tails on people's laps, or (horrors!) pretending to have their nappies changed! I find it all very embarrassing, and just hope no other cats see me playing with Josie.

Oh no! I just found Josie's list of things she wants to do in the holidays. Item One: Play ballerinas with Pirate. Oh dear me.

Dear Jade
I wouldn't say that I learnt to be intelligent from humans, though I have learnt some useful skills such as reading, writing, blogging, and a little physics and calculus. In fact, I sometimes wonder whether humans could learn to be a little more intelligent by watching me...

Dear Impostor Pirate
Yes, I do like Room 9. I also like punctuation. Please stop pretending to be me at once! (is that you, Ginger?)

pirate the cat said...

dear brianna I all ways mind the rain.

ashleigh said...

dear pirate
you lick you and post comments on our blog

Lilly anne said...

Dear Pirate Hi there Pirate I have a friend cat called Roes and she has just had a Baby she would love to meet you.

ashleigh said...

dear pirate
you are so cute ad do you ever go in the sand pit when Room 9 who shine is in the class room.
love from ashleigh

Pirate the Cat said...

I wonder how many of your cat friends I have already met? I go for quite long walks sometimes (I try to follow my family when they go out walking, but they tell me to go home, because they don't think I know about road safety), so we may have met one another. We don't use names when we talk to one another though, we just use smell. Does Rose the cat smell like a Rose?

I try not to 'go' in the sandpit, Ashleigh. I wouldn't want to leave unpleasant surprises for my friends in Room 9.