Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a clever dandelion!

Autumn is such a busy season. Lots of plants are making seeds. Today Ted brought along this dandelion seed head. We were amazed at how far the seeds traveled when blown. Wind is a very important way to help seeds travel. Can you think of other ways that seeds travel away from the plant?


Sam said...

Great blowing Ted with your dandelion seeds.

Hunter said...

Birds eat the seeds and when they fly they poop in other places.

Seeds roll away from the trees so they can grow where there is room.

Water can take the seeds away.

Su Miller said...

At home, our family call these dandelion seeds "wishing blows". We spread the seeds by blowing like the wind, and make a big wish... sometimes they even come true!

Ted said...

I love wish blows
By Ted