We have another new photo of Pirate the cat. This time he is helping Josie tidy up the sandpit! Do you think cats get excited about Christmas? Think about being a cat and put on your black and yellow thinking hats. What are some of the really good things about being a cat? Now what are the bad things about being a cat?
Pirate you look so,so funny. Is josie holding you to tite.
Poor Pirate the cat. Did you get hurt?
oPoor Pirate are you feling good haveyou got a tummy ake or are you ok.
Dear Room 9
You are very perceptive! One of the bad things about being a cat is Josie. But, do you know, she is also one of the good things, because she loves to pat and cuddle me, and gives me naps in her own cosy little bed. She is also very careful to make sure I always have plenty of food in my dish.
It would be nice, though, if she wouldn't squeeze quite so tightly. That little girl is very, very strong.
Pirate when Josie gives you big hugs does she squeese you or not!
betranePirate when Josie gives you big hugs does she squeese you or not!
why do you climb trees and how do you climb trees ?
Why do you have pirate with you Josie.
dear pirate is Josie brtending that you are her baby aging.
Are you happy to have Josie as a
Yes, I AM glad to have Josie as a friend. And YES she does squeeze me too tightly. I don't know why she keeps pretending that I am her baby sister. Perhaps she's practising for something. Do you have any ideas, Room 9?
Dear Mika
Sometimes I climb trees just for fun, but sometimes I climb for snacks. I have sharp claws that help me climb up. Getting back down is a little trickier, because my claws point the wrong way. Clever Sugarplum climbs down trees backwards, but I will have to practise and persevere before I will be able to manage that.
My Dearest Room 9 Friends
Well bless my whiskers! Thank you so much for the magnificent Christmas gift. I'm very anxious to tuck into it, but Michelle insists that I must keep it for a special Christmas meal. There was also some talk of sharing it with Sugarplum and Ginger, though I'm a little concerned about that idea, as Ginger does NOT share food well - he's a little ginger glutton!
I hope you all have delicious tins of food for Christmas Day, and that you have wonderful holidays, full of sunshiny naps and juicy mice. I have enjoyed sharing this year with you SO much. You are very special children. I'll be sure to stay in touch, and will keep an eye on you all, through the fence.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a feathery bite!
Much love
Hi pirate when do Cat's grow fur? And what is it like? We like you pirate purr.
Hi pirate how do Cat's no how to go home?How do Cat's moult there fur?And when do they do that pirate?Mrs B is going to be my teacher next year. Purr purr purr purr
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