Saturday, March 27, 2010

So why does the kelp ball bounce Trampus?

Scientist Trampus looked at his kelp ball with the dinoscope. What makes it bounce so successfully? Trampus thinks the kelp must be full of air pockets that help it to bounce like a soccer ball does. A slither of kelp was put on a glass slide and again Trampus checked it out with the dinoscope. Can you see the blue glass and the air pockets in the kelp in the last picture. You are amazing Trampus! Keep on with your investigating. What will you think of next?


trent said...

why do you think the kelp ball bounced trampus

Erin said...

You are a esper trampus.

Joe said...

I thing tat amazing .

Joe said...

I think you're amazing Trampus